Zinc lozenges

Can Zinc lozenges prevent colds?

5 min read – fact checked ✔ Brief critical evaluation of the efficacy of Zinc lozenges in preventing and reducing the duration of colds The common cold is caused predominantly by rhinoviruses, and to a lesser extent certain Coronaviruses, representing a significant burden to public health and individual productivity worldwide. As a readily available over-the-counter remedy, zinc lozenges have garnered attention for their potential to alleviate cold symptoms and shorten their duration. However, the evidence surrounding their efficacy remains nuanced and occasionally contradictory. This blog…......
New year and the diet craze

New year and the diet craze

Fact-checked - 8 min read It's January, so the diet-culture and the anti-diet movement are ferociously competing for attention, which prompts thousands of people across Gibraltar to begin a new ‘healthier’ diet. After indulging on food and drink over the festive season (and mostly throughout the year), many people seek help to get ‘back on track’ and consider many types of extreme dietary strategies such as 'veganuary', carnivore, liquid meal replacements that often involves cutting out entire food groups and contain artificial sweeteners, heavily restricting…......
The importance of hydration

The importance of hydration

5 min read - fact checked ✔ Why hydrate?Water is essential for life, the major component of body fluids and plays a critical role in many other biological processes, including helping to regulate body temperature through sweating. Fluid balance in the body is carefully controlled by varying the concentration of fluids in the blood and urine, resulting in the release of a variety of hormones which trigger either satiation or thirst. Body loses of water occur in urine and faeces as well as smaller amounts…......