About me.

I have been a photographer for over 30 years. I am currently a an appraiser/judge for the Gibraltar Photographic Society (GPS), and former GPS 2012 Gibraltar Photographer of the Year. I am also a certified Adobe Photoshop Expert.

Photography & mental health
It can be argued that that photography is the physical manifestation of mindfulness. It is about stopping, pausing, observing, framing, focusing, and capturing/receiving and tapping in to your creative side. In essence, photography is about a cultivating a relationship to the present moment. Relating to the present moment with joy and gratitude is a choice that we can make. By slowing down and focusing on the present, we can access joy by shifting the focus of our awareness to what uplifts us. Cultivating mindful photography can be a great tool to de-stress, reduce cortisol levels and improve physical and mental wellbeing. To achieve this, I offer in one-to-one or group photography training, for DSLR, COMPACTS & SMARTPHONES and photoshop.

Adobe recognises individuals who have completed their intensive Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) exam with a diploma

Some of my past work

Benefits of working with me

  • My photography training helps develops a wide range of skills, analytical and critical thinking and problem solving as well cultivate mindfulness. You will learn several processes and techniques but the main aim of the course is to help you look harder and better at the world around you so that you can create images that reveal those worlds in different ways.  
  • My photography training ranges from basic three & five hour day sessions, to more intensive three, five & seven day training, highly recommended for beginners, medium-level enthusiasts and student photographers.  
  • My one-to-one photography courses allows you to learn at your pace with an experienced photographer.  We believe it is the very best way to improve your camera skills, create better photographs, organise your files, improve image editing skills, develop that ‘photographic eye’ and thus become a better photographer overall.  
  • Participants will find they learn more in a day working with an experienced, award-winning photographer,than they would otherwise.  Some of our courses will aim to take you out of your comfort zone, think pro-actively and challenge you to achieve the objectives.  

This course is a great way to improve mindfulness, mental wellbeing and team building in your workplace.

I also offer support for school students enrolled on a GCSE in photography, highly recommended for photography school students wishing to improve their photography knowledge. Photography training with an experienced photographer is the very best way to expand the student’s photographic skills in preparation for their upcoming GCSE course modules. 

You would like to

✔️Learn how to use equipment form tripods to filters.
✔️ Learn to understand your own camera settings.
✔️ Learn the basic techniques of photography.
✔️ Unlock your creative potential and create your own WOW travel photographs .
✔️ Learn how to use equipment and learn photography tricks.
✔️ Learn basic photo editing techniques to ‘clean up’ your images.

How will this course help me?
✔️It will help you save time as a result of not having to struggle through the complexity of camera settings        on your own, which results in a lot of wasted time and lost productivity
✔️You will save money as a result of not having to keep buying additional material and other content.
✔️You will reduce your frustration as you see the number of great images you obtain increases considerably
✔️It will help  increase your confidence, as you will be able to know instinctively know what settings to apply quickly for each scene.

3 HOURS Completed in
one day
1x payment
  • Exposures
  • Apertures
  • Shutter speeds
  • Metering modes
  • Take better photos
6 HOURS Completed over
1 or 2 days
1x payment
  • Exposures
  • Apertures
  • Shutter speeds
  • Metering modes
  • Choosing an ISO
  • Focus modes
  • Depth of field
  • Take better photos
9 HOURS Completed over
2 or 3 days
1x payment
  • Exposures
  • Apertures
  • Shutter speeds
  • Metering modes
  • Choosing an ISO
  • Lifestyle suggestions
  • Focus modes
  • Depth of field
  • Improving composition
  • Take better photos
  • Basic editing techniques
16 HOURS Completed over
4 or 5 days
1x payment
  • Exposures
  • Apertures
  • Shutter speeds
  • Metering modes
  • Choosing an ISO
  • Lifestyle suggestions
  • Focus modes
  • Depth of field
  • Improving composition
  • White balance
  • Take better photos
  • Basic editing techniques