Zinc lozenges

Can Zinc lozenges prevent colds?

5 min read – fact checked ✔ Brief critical evaluation of the efficacy of Zinc lozenges in preventing and reducing the duration of colds The common cold is caused predominantly by rhinoviruses, and to a lesser extent certain Coronaviruses, representing a significant burden to public health and individual productivity worldwide. As a readily available over-the-counter remedy, zinc lozenges have garnered attention for their potential to alleviate cold symptoms and shorten their duration. However, the evidence surrounding their efficacy remains nuanced and occasionally contradictory. This blog…......
Steaming coffee mug

Coffee: More health benefits?

5 min read – fact checked ✔A recently published cross-sectional study (1) investigating the bacterial abundance and compositions of healthy adult gut microbiomes revealed that increased levels of a bacterial species called Erysipelatoclostridium were associated with lower caffeine intakes. The outcomes suggested a potential inverse association between habitual caffeine consumption and Erysipelatoclostridium; a species which previous studies had suggested that increased levels were associated with increased risks of adverse outcomes such as increased obesity, inflammation, and blood glucose dysregulation. The study also observed that both…......